One of the most important things you can do for your home is to make sure you are saving energy. This can help lower your monthly utility bill and reduce your total carbon footprint. While green homes are still a new concept, some great products are available to help you achieve your goal. To see what some of the best ones are, check out my top 5 list below!
Bug/Insect Screens
Bugs and insects may seem harmless and cannot do any significant damage to you, but they can be a nuisance. Also, if you have small children at home, it’s even more important to keep these bugs and insects away from your house. Insect screens will help in this regard. You can easily get insect screens installed on your windows and doors to keep the insects out of the house. These screens will also help in keeping the natural light and breeze inside your home without letting those small creatures come inside.
Solar Screens
These screens are made to block the sun’s energy from entering your home, which can help keep it cool in the summer while still allowing natural light to come in. You can get solar screens for windows, or if you have a patio door or sliding glass door, you can get solar screen doors. Solar screens will help significantly reduce your cooling costs and may even prolong the life of your air conditioner by not forcing it to work as hard. These screens are also beneficial for windows that face west because they will minimize heat gain late in the day when the sun is particularly strong.
Motorized Retractable Patio Screens
Retractable screens are a great way to keep the bugs out of your home and allow for the breeze to flow through. They allow for a shaded area where you can relax, eat, or entertain guests without having to worry about the heat or insects. These screens come in a variety of options, from the manual pull-down to the motorized remote control. If you have a very large patio with multiple windows or doors, motorized would be the best option as they retract automatically with a button.
Motorized Shades
Shades can be a big help when it comes to reducing heat gain and loss in your home. You can significantly cut down on your heating and cooling bills by opening them during cool months and closing them during hot months. However, most shades are difficult to operate manually because they’re so large. That’s where motorized shades come in. These shades are operated by smart switches or remote controls so that you don’t have to pull out a ladder every time you want to adjust them.
Plantation Shutters
Plantation shutters and solar shades are a great way to keep the heat out. Plantation shutters go on the outside of the window and can be opened or closed manually. On the other hand, solar shades go on the inside of your window. A common misconception is that solar shades only work during the summer, but they actually work during any season. If you have plantation shutters installed along with solar shades, you can block out as much as 90% of your home’s heat gain in the summer.
You can easily follow these easy tips and ideas to ensure that you save money while still being energy efficient. Contact us today for more information on the wide array of energy-efficient products available. If you’re looking for high-quality, energy-efficient products for your home, you’ll find everything you need (and more) at Longhorn – Screens, Shades & Shutters!